Tag Archives: accusations

#antimipim: Accusation of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

 by the speculation research collective SPOK

The Mipim is celebrating its 25th birthday this year. As all previous years, a lot of Dutch companies and local governments will be present, the latter also paying € 1600,- for an entrance fee probably paid for from our taxes. One of the local Dutch authorities present for the Mipim festivities, that really should have stayed at home to work on solving the serious housing shortages in its area, is the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

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#antimpim: BPW against anti-squat and temporary rent contracts

The Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), a Union of people who’s housing situation is precarious, is a collective of volunteers who demand a halt to the rapid increase of temporary renting contracts and who support tenants who are in this precarious situation, often threatened with eviction.

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